Spring Fever

I think I was trying to test the blogoshpere or something - see how long I could let my blog lie fallow or if maybe it would expire of its own dis-use. I just went to a tech-workshop where the "theme" was new trends in technology and they kept saying over and over... don't blog unless you love to write. hmm... what I love is composing music and I haven't been doing much of that lately either. That is really what this blog is about: writing music

Ok - I got the CD of Epiphanies, my Violin & Organ Suite - premiere was January 28th, and I was not there because I was here conducting Handel. The recording arrived in the mail last week - all in one hour-long track. So I downloaded it to my masher and cut it down to my piece only - 17+ minutes. I'd post it here but at 32 MB it's much too big.
Besides, I think you had to be there...