Ash Wednesday

A time of reflection:
"We are dust and to dust shall we return."
All life is, is energy; energy never dies but is transformed. It thickens and slows, sometimes freezes and congeals. The more something rots, the more alive it becomes. Not one organism, but billions of organisms, then returns to liquid, then gas, then ether, then disperses and feeds and joins new life all over again - even dust.
Indeed, as matter is constantly recycling, so the spirit - that higher energy frequency, that super super-consciousness - travels through time, becoming manifest. Matter and material - physical and incarnate - again and again and again and again, ad infinitum, up the ever-winding spiral of double helix doubled and doubled again until we find our way home. A gain.
We are dust. And to dust shall we return.
We are light. And to light we must return.
We are heat. And to heat we will return
We are photons and neurons, gamma rays, ions and quarks.
And to such stuff as stars are made, we seek to return.
Love this so much, Mary. This is absolutely spot on. In one of the chemistry texts I have used, the origin of matter is approached from the perspective that we all come from the stars and are recycled as energy to matter and back again.
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