In The Music

Musings about the genius life of a composer in the 21st century.

My Photo
Location: Cochiti Lake, New Mexico, United States

In a perfect world, everybody sings.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Your Hit Parade.

I understand the internet - I've been here since 1990.
I grok "google" - as a vowel or a noun.
I have a link to YouTube in my bookmark toolbar folder.
I blog, therefore I am.

I found and bought my house on the internet.
I publish and sell music on the internet.
I keep in touch with friends and family all over the world on the internet.
Old friends and former students, colleagues and singers in choruses I directed 25 years ago find me and reconnect.

There is no question that cannot be answered on the internet - sometimes with hundreds of different answers. And yet - I remain boggled. (did you ever notice how blogged is the jumble for boggled?):

So this is an experiment - I've put severak sound-file links here: Please, dear friends, just pick one and listen to it - or, as they say, "Hit me".
Then recommend this sound-file to ONE other person. Have your friend come to this blog and listen to a sound-file, then they can recommend this sound-file to one other person... and so on. When we reach the ba-zillionth listener, I think I'll have a Hit.

Okay? Ready? GO!

Soundfile #1 - Tarantella
Soundfile #2 - Bells
Soundfile #3 - Bachanalia
Soundfile #4 - The Avowal
Soundfile #5 - Come Thou Fount
Soundfile #6 - Explorers
Soundfile #7 - The Falcon
Soundfile #8 - Let Evening Come
Soundfile #9 - Chimes
Soundfile #10 - Moon of Wintertime